
Thought this was the homepage? Wondering where all the posts went? TOO BAD. This is a static page of useless space.

What? You want to go home? Can’t be that hard. I mean, there’s a link on every page and post that’ll lead you home. Like, the one in the header. Or one here. ‘Course, tapping your heels together and saying “There’s no place like home” doesn’t sound like a bad idea, either.

You’re not gone yet? Geez, so persistent. Fine, I’ll tell you. There’s no huge home button on the bottom because ……… like I said, there’s a homepage link on every freakin’ post/page! No need to be redundant and make another one. And as much as I love customization, nothing will convince me to make the button. If you’ve got this expression, (TT_TT) well, sucks. If you have no idea what parentheses, four T’s, and an underscore makes, you’re missing out on a vital form of communication. You should read this.

3 responses to “Home

  1. I feel like every post or tidbit on here is toying with my emotions. I’m on a roller coaster ride and when I expect to finally be home this blog psychs me out again… I need therapy.

  2. Pingback: April Fools 2012! « recall & relay

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